Here are the most frequently asked questions from visitors to this website.

Are your art prints signed?

All of the handmade art prints include edition number, title, and signature at the bottom of the piece. Some prints may have a 'chop' symbol, either in ink or embossed, in place of a signature.

Are your prints handmade?

All of the art prints I sell are handmade. I do not make digital or machine-printed reproductions, regardless of the fancy French name they may be called (giclee).

I saw a print of yours that I like, but it is sold out. Can you make me one?

The short answer is 'no'. All of my print projects are limitied editions, and when I have printed all the copies in the run I destroy the blocks so that no more prints can be made. In the case of monoprints, only one print is created at all, and the process to recreate that exact design would be impossible. The process of reduction printing destroys the plates as the project progresses, so I cannot make more of those. Keep watching the website, because I will recyle ideas and make similar prints in a new edition. If you see a sold out print you like, let me know that you would like to see something like it made in a new edition someday.